1. Olkhon (Oikhon Aral) - the largest island of Lake Baikal. Separated from the mainland by the straits of the Small Sea and Olkhon Gate. To the east of the island is the deepest place of Baikal -. 1642 m Olkhon Russified name comes from the Buryat word "Oikhon" - "little forest" or "somewhat wooded," since forests cover just over a third of the surface of the island.
Olkhon meets all the diversity of natural landscapes: there are also steppe with deep jutting out into the land and well warmed in the summer of bays, very "Baltic" sandy beaches with rolling hills and pine groves of larch species along the coast and dense forests, and rough marble cliffs decorated with thick red mosses and bogs, richly overgrown with water plants.
Furthermore in Buryat myths and legends Olkhon - the abode of menacing spirits of Lake Baikal. Olkhon Island is considered sacred center of northern shaman peace, and still at Cape Burkhan (Rock Shamanka), on the shore of the lake near the village of Khuzhir, flutter in the wind ribbons on trees: this is about - the spirits of the place of worship.
2. Birch in Russia is one of the most common tree species. Many species of birch - widespread and the most important tree species, to a large extent determine the appearance and species composition of deciduous and coniferous-deciduous (mixed) forests. Many parts of birch are used in the household: wood, bark, birch bark (the surface layer of the cortex), birch sap. Buds and leaves are used in medicine: infusion of buds and leaves - as a diuretic, antibacterial, wound healing, and antipyretic agent, and an oil extract from birch kidneys - as a dermatological agent. Some species are used to create windbreaks and in ornamental horticulture.
3. National Park "Alkhanay" (bur. Alkhan) formed by the RF Government Decree № 533 of May 15, 1999 to protect, study and recreational use of the mountain taiga landscapes of Transbaikalia, as well as for the protection of places of worship of the Buryat people. Located on the Trans-Baikal Territory Duldurginsky District.
Natural complexes Alkhanov is a special ecological, historical and aesthetic value. Unlike reserves, a significant part of the area of the national park open to regulated visits. Interest in the park increases by both pilgrims and tourists alike. Water arshans (sources) are considered sacred, used by the population for therapeutic purposes. Recreational Area is located in the valley of a mountain brook. Dry Ubzhogoe. In July - August the maximum number of visitors per day Alkhanov reaches 2 thousand people, on average, over the summer period (June - mid September) the park is visited by over 30 thousand people. Natural monuments and places of worship: Mountain Alkhanay, Great blessings temple Sendema rock, rock Temple Gate, Dorji-Paghman (Diamond Princess).
In addition Alkhanay different from other national parks in Russia by the presence of natural and religious complex of the Northern Buddhist shrines.
4. Tunguska meteoroid, or Tunguska meteorite - a hypothetical body, probably of cometary origin or part of the cosmic body has undergone destruction that allegedly caused the air blast, which occurred in the river Stony Tunguska area (about 60 km north and 20 km to the west of the village Vanavara) 17 (30) June 1908. The power of the explosion is estimated at 40-50 megatons, which corresponds to the energy of the most powerful hydrogen bombs exploded.
It is noted that even three days before the event, starting from June 27, 1908, in Europe, the European part of Russia and Western Siberia were observed unusual atmospheric phenomena: noctilucent clouds, bright twilight, the sun halo. On the morning of June 30, 1908 over central Siberia flew fiery body moving in a northerly direction; his flight was observed in many of the settlements in that area, were heard thundering sounds. The body shape is described as circular, spherical or cylindrical; color - like red, yellow or white; there was no trace of smoke, but some descriptions of eyewitnesses include bright rainbow stripes extending body.
The explosion at Tunguska was heard over 800 kilometers from the epicenter, the blast was knocked down in the forest area of 2000 square kilometers, within a radius of 200 km were broken windows of some houses; seismic wave recorded by seismic stations in Irkutsk, Tashkent, Tbilisi and Jena. Furthermore shortly after the explosion began a magnetic storm, which lasted 5 hours.
5. Irbis or snow leopard - a large carnivorous mammal of the cat family. Irbis different thin, long, flexible body, relatively short legs, small head and very long tail. Arriving together with a tail length of 200-230 cm and weighs 55 kg. Painting fur light smoky gray with a ring-shaped solid and dark spots. Due to the inaccessibility of the habitat and low-density species are still scarcely explored many aspects of its biology.
Currently, the number of snow leopards catastrophically low. In the XX century it was introduced in the IUCN Red List, in the Red Book of Russia, as well as security documents of other countries. As of 2016, the hunting of snow leopards is prohibited.
6. Taiga - a biome characterized by a predominance of coniferous forests, formed mainly boreal species of spruce, fir, larch and pine. Also taiga - the largest by area landscape Russian zone.
Taiga is divided into three sub-zones of vegetation on nature: the southern, central and northern. In the northern taiga is dominated by stunted and sparse spruce and pine in the middle taiga grow mostly spruce-bilberry. Southern taiga vegetation is much more varied.
Taiga tend to lack or poor development of undergrowth (as in the woods little light), as well as the uniformity of the grass-shrub layer and the moss layer ( "green moss"). The fauna of the taiga richer and more varied than the tundra, but poorer fauna of deciduous and mixed forests.
7. Igil - two-stringed bowed instrument. Igil housing is made from a single piece of wood, hollowed out in the form of a pointed oval bucket down, rolling in the neck. On the neck are no frets. The neck often ends with a carved head in the form of a horse's head. The deck is made from the skin of sheep and goats. But in special cases, when they want to instrument was sonorous, take the skin, taken from the front of the skull of the horse. Strings for igil made of horse tail hair.
Timbre igil is characterized by lush, velvety, sometimes nasal, warm (from light to dark tones) and sonority, with a touch of a sentiment, and hence the muted passion (Uzun hoyug, uyannyg, uyangylyg, uyaranchyg).
8. Capercaillie - the largest bird of the family of grouse that live in our country. The title of "capercaillie" bird owes performing courtship ritual known especially in the mating season males lose sensitivity and alertness than the often used by hunters. It lives almost on the whole territory of Russia. It prefers to settle in deaf coniferous forests around swamps, sometimes settles this bird, and in the mixed forest. Capercaillie is sedentary. But sometimes it can flit from one forest to another.
Capercaillie has a very beautiful plumage. Males have a more vivid color than females. The back of their black-and-gray color with light speckles, chest greenish color with a metallic tint. Color gray wings. In addition, in the spring they swell eyebrows, which at the current time, turn red. Females capercaillie "dressed" more modest, and very similar to the female grouse.
It feeds only on plant food and insects. In their summer diet is dominated by grass, flowers, berries, leaves, beetles, grasshoppers, and others insects.
Capercaillie not often use their wings for other purposes - he rarely flies. And if fly somewhere, then usually it rises above the trees.
9. Sable - a mammal of the family Mustelidae. Painting changeable skins, and its variations have special names. "Head" - the dark (almost black). "Fur" - coloring is very bright, sandy-yellow or pale yellow. Intermediate color "Vorotov" - brown tones with a dark strap on the back, lighter sides and a large, bright throat patch.
A typical inhabitant of the Siberian taiga. A clever and very strong for their size predator. Conducts terrestrial life. Moves jumps. Good climbing. It has developed excellent hearing and sense of smell, sight weaker. Voice - rumbling, like a cat. Easy walking on loose snow. The most active in the morning and evening.
To the east of the Yenisei River in Sayan big role in the diet plays a sable pika. Frequently eating protein attacks the birds. Exterminating in the province during the year several millions of protein. Among the birds most commonly sable attacks grouse and capercaillie, but in general, birds are the secondary feed. It eats sable and plant food. Favorite food - pine nuts, mountain ash, blueberries, and even sable eats berries cranberries, blueberries, bird cherry, wild rose, currants.
10. Poses - the name in Russian, traditional Buryat (buuzy) and Mongolian (buuzy) dishes. It is believed that the postures (buuzy) - one of the variants of Chinese dishes Baoji where does the name of the dishes, but unlike Chinese analogue filling in buuzy exclusively meat with a little greenery. The dish is also akin to the Caucasian and Turkic khinkali mantle. Like baozi and mantle poses steamed, usually specialized for this purpose steamer, carrying the name poznitsa. The main components of the filling key (minced) contains rublёnoe meat and onions.
Poses have the shape of the cup, usually with the opening at the top. Eat posture traditionally hands, with the preparation of the resulting broth inside poses bite at the bottoms, drink separately through the opening. In Buryatia competitions dedicated to this dish, where not only the mold and eat buuzy, and ascribe to the youth culture of the people.