In 1811, the Agin-Buryat eight genera Horinsk invited Taisha Galsan Marhaeva to determine where construction datsan, which will be called datsan Aginsk. Before you choose a place Marhaev construction Aginsk datsan, he had a dream where he heard the sound of prayer, laughter khuvaraks and the barking of dogs, which is why Taisha stopped the choice on Bulaqty areas.
For the construction datsan Russian masons and carpenters were invited to build up to this Sogchen-arc Aninsk datsan, since at that time there was a tendency of building stone datsans. The building was the first stone Duganov among existing datsans at Aga Steppe.
After completion in 1816 Aga Buryat invited to "ramnay" - sanctification Dugan Rinchin Lama shereete Dyrestuysky datsan "Lhundub Dechenling" now Dzhida area p. Buryatia. The decision to invite to "ramnay" Lama of Dyrestuysky datsan was taken, probably due to the fact that this datsan remained neutral, while existing at the time of rivalry between Gusinoozerskaya (Tamchinsky) datsan, the new rate of Hambo Lama and influential Hilgantuysky datsan "Baldan Braybun "based first Hambo Pandido Lama Damba -Darzha Zayaev.

Rinchin Lama blesses datsan and gives it a name Derestuysky datsan "Lhundub Dechenling" only by reversing the phrase, as a result, "Dechen Lhundubling". Throughout its history Aginsk datsan preserved tradition, where sacral-karmic connection between the two datsans becomes apparent, and a new generation of lamas comes from Dzhida steppe in Aginsk datsan for teaching practice sadhana and khurals Sahyuusana Zhamsaran. Students coming from Buryatia to study at the Aga datsan, mostly immigrants from Dzhida area.
First shereete Agin datsan Lama elected Rigden Pagbaev, unzad Lama Tugnugaltaysk Datsan Horinsk Buryat, from numerous kinds hargana. It is obvious that the Agin-Buryat wanted to see the first shereete Lama of their own, belonging to eight genera Khorinsky
In those days most of the lamas of Khori-Buryats were trained in the Tibetan province of Amdo, in Lavran monastery. However, for a long time (until the mid XIX century.) systematic philosophy and tantric education in Buryat datsans was not possible, and for knowledge Lama went to neighboring Tibet and Mongolia. According to B.B. Baradiyn, "Mongolian lamas, then Buryats from the 2nd half of the last century, in a multitude began to visit Lavran, so now Lavran spiritual influence on the entire Mongolia and the Buryat, in any case, not Lhasa itself is inferior". We know traditions of the monastery had a very great influence on the formation and development of the school education system and the teaching of the complete cycle of Buddhist disciplines Tsugolsky and Aga datsans, this was due to the spiritual and geographical proximity of regions. Apparently, on this basis, Agin datsan Lavran follows the traditions of the monastery.

When shereete D-F. Tuguldurov, in the early 60s. XIX century. It was founded convent typographic, which eventually became the recognized center of publishing Transbaikalia. During its existence was published almost all necessary for learning and teaching in the monasteries of the canonical educational literature on theological disciplines (philosophy, logic, astronomy, astrology, Tantrism, wine, medicine, etc.), as well as the ritual literature used during of khurals and various rituals.
Due to the printing activities, the fame of his enlightened lamas and their works, the high level of monastic schools spread throughout the Buddhist world of Central Asia, and Aginsky datsan acquires certain influence among other datsans. Printed books, xylographs published in datsanskoy printing, and a recognized expert on the best print quality, clarity and beauty of the pride of many oriental libraries in the world.
At the invitation of shereete Zh.Tuguldurov in Tsugol arrived great connoisseur of Medicine and authoritative Mongolian doctor (emchi) Choi manramba. He taught Buryat monks the art of worship dedicated to the Medicine Buddha - Bhaishajyagura, and all kinds of medical rituals aimed at curing patients suffering from this or that disease. Tsugolsky Medical School was the first in a chain-manba datsans Transbaikalia, later on it became a model to open medical schools in other geographical areas of ethnic Buryatia. D-F. Tuguldurov refers to the Buryat leaders who received the eastern or Buddhist education and created their works in the Mongolian and Tibetan languages, contributing to the development of the education system in large circles.
With VII of shereete Lama-Dorji Lubsan Danzhinov kind of sharayd elected in 1876, opened new schools. Enzon-Bagsha with his younger brother Rinchin Sambu Danzhinov (Emchi-Bagsha) opens in 1884, the Faculty of Tibetan medicine, where the educational process of the Faculty is based on analogue curriculum Tsugolsky manba-datsan. In 1895 Aga datsan built new Manba-datsan, where he became abbot Rinchin-Samba Danzhinov. Emchi Bagsha-made prescription Reference-Zory to replace imported crude drugs of plant origin from the same ingredients transbaikalian flora, creating access to Tibetan medicine for different segments of the population, which had great social significance.

In 1880, the Faculty of Tantra was opened in 1906 - Faculty of the Kalachakra and Duynhor datsan. Gabzha Lubsan Balzhirov Lama, of a kind sagaanguud, wrote in 1908 a universal astrological treatise "Ontsar Shelzhi Melon" - "Beautiful Crystal Mirror". This treatise used by modern lamas of Mongolia and Russia, for their astrological calculations - zurhay.
Every year during khurals Agin datsan brothers Danzhinov Enzon-baqsi and Emchi-baqsi touted "lamyn sogshod" as a tribute to their enormous contribution and Datsan development of Russian Buddhism as a whole.
The split within the Russian society, beginning of XX century and touched Agin datsan. The Aga datsan along with lamas, who lived according to the old traditions of the monastery Lavran arises "Renovationist" movement. In this regard, the Buddhist clergy Agin datsan in 1927, it was decided to erect on the territory of Sokcho arc of a great 22-meter suburgan "Yumdun Choden" translation is "for reconciliation", in order to eliminate the differences.
The turn of XIX-XX centuries. It can be called the peak flowering Agin datsan. Erects statue Maidari, built all the places of worship. General educational level Agin datsan is not inferior to the leading monasteries in Tibet, Mongolia, Buryatia. It is publishing and translation activities, with the rapid development of the construction Duganov received Buryat architecture and canonical architecture. Buddhism has become an important factor in the formation of morality, national traditions and customs of the Buryats.