воскресенье, 4 декабря 2016 г.

Celebratoin Zula Khyral

     One of the main Buddhist religious celebratoins Zula Khural, or Feast of thousands of lamps (from the Buryat Zula - Lamp, an icon lamp, Hural - divine service). The holiday is celebrated in the 25 th day of the first winter month of the lunar calendar.
       In Buddhism, it is a day of memory about the day care Nirvana founder of the Gelugpa school of Tibetan, reformer and philosopher Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419).
    Gelug School, to which belongs the majority of Buddhists of Russia belongs to the Mahayana ("Greater Vehicle"), which sets at the heart of teaching activity for the benefit of all sentient beings.
    Lama Tsongkhapa is revered in Tibet as the second Buddha and two of his works - "Lamrim" (dedicated to the general Mahayana path) and "Nagrim" (dedicated to the path of Secret Mantra) - cover the spiritual practice of Buddhism in its entirety. Tsongkhapa himself at the end of life of future disciples asked not to be sad that they have not met him in person, and to read the two works mentioned, it would be tantamount to a personal meeting.
      During the celebration Zula Khural laity bring offerings to the temples of thousands of teacher. As a rule, it is milk, tea, sweets and oil for lamps, symbolizing teaching. At nightfall, in and around the temples taken burn a thousand lamps (Zula), which highlight the way Buddhist thousandfold suppressing ignorance. Thus, the Buddhists worship their indigenous teachers, parents, relatives and all those who are dear in this life, wishing all living beings a better fate.
    It is believed that the rod shaped Zula is a human body, and the oil in the oil lamp, symbolizes human suffering. Burning, Zula purifies our negative manifestations, sins, bringing with it peace and tranquility.
Aginsk datsan

          In 1811, the Agin-Buryat eight genera Horinsk invited Taisha Galsan Marhaeva to determine where construction datsan, which will be called datsan Aginsk. Before you choose a place Marhaev construction Aginsk datsan, he had a dream where he heard the sound of prayer, laughter khuvaraks and the barking of dogs, which is why Taisha stopped the choice on Bulaqty areas.
      For the construction datsan Russian masons and carpenters were invited to build up to this Sogchen-arc Aninsk datsan, since at that time there was a tendency of building stone datsans. The building was the first stone Duganov among existing datsans at Aga Steppe.
         After completion in 1816 Aga Buryat invited to "ramnay" - sanctification Dugan Rinchin Lama shereete Dyrestuysky datsan "Lhundub Dechenling" now Dzhida area p. Buryatia. The decision to invite to "ramnay" Lama of Dyrestuysky datsan was taken, probably due to the fact that this datsan remained neutral, while existing at the time of rivalry between Gusinoozerskaya (Tamchinsky) datsan, the new rate of Hambo Lama and influential Hilgantuysky datsan "Baldan Braybun "based first Hambo Pandido Lama Damba -Darzha Zayaev.
       Rinchin Lama blesses datsan and gives it a name Derestuysky datsan "Lhundub Dechenling" only by reversing the phrase, as a result, "Dechen Lhundubling". Throughout its history Aginsk datsan preserved tradition, where sacral-karmic connection between the two datsans becomes apparent, and a new generation of lamas comes from Dzhida steppe in Aginsk datsan for teaching practice sadhana and khurals Sahyuusana Zhamsaran. Students coming from Buryatia to study at the Aga datsan, mostly immigrants from Dzhida area.
      First shereete Agin datsan Lama elected Rigden Pagbaev, unzad Lama Tugnugaltaysk Datsan  Horinsk Buryat, from numerous kinds hargana. It is obvious that the Agin-Buryat wanted to see the first shereete Lama of their own, belonging to eight genera Khorinsky
       In those days most of the lamas of Khori-Buryats were trained in the Tibetan province of Amdo, in Lavran monastery. However, for a long time (until the mid XIX century.) systematic philosophy and tantric education in Buryat datsans was not possible, and for knowledge Lama went to neighboring Tibet and Mongolia. According to B.B. Baradiyn, "Mongolian lamas, then Buryats from the 2nd half of the last century, in a multitude began to visit Lavran, so now Lavran spiritual influence on the entire Mongolia and the Buryat, in any case, not Lhasa itself is inferior".  We know traditions of the monastery had a very great influence on the formation and development of the school education system and the teaching of the complete cycle of Buddhist disciplines Tsugolsky and Aga datsans, this was due to the spiritual and geographical proximity of regions. Apparently, on this basis, Agin datsan Lavran follows the traditions of the monastery.
When shereete D-F. Tuguldurov, in the early 60s. XIX century. It was founded convent typographic, which eventually became the recognized center of publishing Transbaikalia. During its existence was published almost all necessary for learning and teaching in the monasteries of the canonical educational literature on theological disciplines (philosophy, logic, astronomy, astrology, Tantrism, wine, medicine, etc.), as well as the ritual literature used during of khurals and various rituals.
       Due to the printing activities, the fame of his enlightened lamas and their works, the high level of monastic schools spread throughout the Buddhist world of Central Asia, and Aginsky datsan acquires certain influence among other datsans. Printed books, xylographs published in datsanskoy printing, and a recognized expert on the best print quality, clarity and beauty of the pride of many oriental libraries in the world.
      At the invitation of shereete Zh.Tuguldurov in Tsugol arrived  great connoisseur of Medicine and authoritative Mongolian doctor (emchi) Choi manramba. He taught Buryat monks the art of worship dedicated to the Medicine Buddha - Bhaishajyagura, and all kinds of medical rituals aimed at curing patients suffering from this or that disease. Tsugolsky Medical School was the first in a chain-manba datsans Transbaikalia, later on it became a model to open medical schools in other geographical areas of ethnic Buryatia. D-F. Tuguldurov refers to the Buryat leaders who received the eastern or Buddhist education and created their works in the Mongolian and Tibetan languages, contributing to the development of the education system in large circles.
      With VII of shereete Lama-Dorji Lubsan Danzhinov kind of sharayd elected in 1876, opened new schools. Enzon-Bagsha  with his younger brother Rinchin Sambu Danzhinov (Emchi-Bagsha) opens in 1884, the Faculty of Tibetan medicine, where the educational process of the Faculty is based on analogue curriculum Tsugolsky manba-datsan. In 1895 Aga datsan built new Manba-datsan, where he became abbot Rinchin-Samba Danzhinov. Emchi Bagsha-made prescription Reference-Zory to replace imported crude drugs of plant origin from the same ingredients transbaikalian flora, creating access to Tibetan medicine for different segments of the population, which had great social significance.
    In 1880, the Faculty of Tantra was opened in 1906 - Faculty of the Kalachakra and Duynhor datsan. Gabzha Lubsan Balzhirov Lama, of a kind sagaanguud, wrote in 1908 a universal astrological treatise "Ontsar Shelzhi Melon" - "Beautiful Crystal Mirror". This treatise used by modern lamas of Mongolia and Russia, for their astrological calculations - zurhay.
     Every year during khurals Agin datsan brothers Danzhinov Enzon-baqsi and Emchi-baqsi touted "lamyn sogshod" as a tribute to their enormous contribution and Datsan development of Russian Buddhism as a whole.
     The split within the Russian society, beginning of XX century and touched Agin datsan. The Aga datsan along with lamas, who lived according to the old traditions of the monastery Lavran arises "Renovationist" movement. In this regard, the Buddhist clergy Agin datsan in 1927, it was decided to erect on the territory of Sokcho arc of a great 22-meter suburgan "Yumdun Choden" translation is "for reconciliation", in order to eliminate the differences.
    The turn of XIX-XX centuries. It can be called the peak flowering Agin datsan. Erects statue Maidari, built all the places of worship. General educational level Agin datsan is not inferior to the leading monasteries in Tibet, Mongolia, Buryatia. It is publishing and translation activities, with the rapid development of the construction Duganov received Buryat architecture and canonical architecture. Buddhism has become an important factor in the formation of morality, national traditions and customs of the Buryats.

суббота, 26 ноября 2016 г.

Famous people of the  Aginski District
  • Linhovoin, Lhasaran Lodonovich (1924-1980) - an opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1959).                                                            Born on January 1, 1924 in the village of Aga Aimag Aga-Hangil Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the teacher's family.                                                                                           From 1942 to 1949 was an artist of the Buryat musical drama theater in Ulan-Ude. In 1958 he sang the role of Miller in the opera "Mermaid" by Dargomyzhsky at Big Theater. December 24, 1959 (after a decade of Buryat art in Moscow) was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In the Buryat Opera and Ballet Theater Lhasaran Linhovoin he performed more than thirty operatic roles.              Lhasaran Lodonovich played games: Susanin ("Ivan Susanin" by Glinka), Grameen, Boris Godunov, Kochubei Konchak ("Prince Igor" by Alexander Borodin), Mephistopheles ("Faust" by Gounod), Montanelli ( "The Gadfly" AE Spadavekkia), Sokolov ("Fate of a man" Ivan Dzerzhinsky), boom Khan ("Enkhe Bulat-Bator" MP Frolov); Basil ("Tsyrempil Ranzhur" BB Yampilova) Shono ("terrible years" BB Yampilova), Bulgan Thabit ("twinned" DD Ayusheeva) Lama ("Budamshu" BB Yampilova) Han ("Bair" P. Berlin) and others.                                                                                                                                                      He is also the author of books such as "In Africa" (1961) and "On by country song" (1970)
  • Purbuev, Dashidondok Tsydenovich (1931-2014) - senior shepherd Lenin collective farm Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug, Hero of Socialist Labor (1990).                                              Born in the village surroundings Kunkur of Aga aimag Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the East Siberian region into a peasant family.                                        Since 1948, he worked at the accounting clerk ovtsetovarnoy farm. In 1951-1954 he served in Vladivostok and Sakhalin. Since 1955 he worked as a veterinary medical assistant, and from 1965 until retirement he worked as a shepherd. His farm kept flocks of up to 700 sheep, wool clip from one sheep was 4.4-4.7 kg. In 1971 Dashidondok Purbuev was awarded the Order of Lenin.                                                                                     Also Purbuev Dashidondok Tsydenovich awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of Lenin and the gold medal "Hammer and Sickle" by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from March 2, 1990.
  • Rabdanov, Buda Rabdanovich (1853-1923) - Buryat educator, Russian journalist, ethnographer and orientalist, diplomat.              
        The representative of the nobility (taiji), Buda Rabdanov graduated from the parish school of Aga, Nerchinsk district school and three classes of grammar schools in Chita. He knew several languages: English, Buryat, Mongolian, Russian, taught himself Chinese and Tibetan.                                                                                  Repeatedly he traveled to Mongolia and China, visited the largest Buddhist centers. In the autumn of 1892 as a translator without any remuneration he joined the expedition G.N. Potanin in Central Asia (1892-1893) to become better acquainted with the East. In 1895-1896 in Chita Rabdanov Buda became the editor of the text published by the Mongolian P. A. Badmaev newspaper "Life on the eastern outskirts". This newspaper was the first Buryat  periodic edition of Transbaikalia.                                                                                    Since 1905 in Chita organized the edition of the newspaper "Free press." After 1917, he called for co-operation with the Soviet authorities, engaged in collecting antiques and research Buryat folklore.                                                                                                                                    Diaries left B. Rabdanov - valuable historical and ethnographic sources, describing the life and culture of the Tibetan and Chinese people of Eastern Tibet. Personal archive destroyed in 1923.
  • Tumunov, Zhamso Tumunovich (1916-1955) - the Buryat Soviet writer, playwright. He wrote poetry and prose in the Buryat language.                                                                                        
           From 1927 to 1934 he studied in Taptanay at the school of peasant youth. In 1937 he enrolled at the Ulan-Ude communist agricultural school, after which he worked as an editor in the Buryat State publishing house.                                                                                 The author of the play "Sesegma" for the Suppression of Buryat women for social rights. In 1937 the play was staged Buryat-Mongolian Drama Theatre. In 1930 he wrote the play "Hile deere", "Shoola", "Shiidhegdeһen asuudal", "Martagdashagүy үdernүүd", "Bata khoyor Baras", "Basagan-tractor driver".                                           In 1949 in Ulan-Ude published novel "Steppe awoke" by Tumutov, dedicated to the events of the Civil War in the Trans-Baikal region. The work was the first novel in the Buryat literature and has been translated into Russian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, German, Mongolian and other languages.                                                                                                                                              His writings: Suhe Bator: Poem 1950, Unforgettable days (1952), Golden rain: Roman, 1958, From the works of the war years (1960), Steppe woke up (1972), Morning on Lake Baikal: Poems (1949).
  • Tsydenzhapov, Aldar Batorovich (1991-2010) - Hero of the Russian Federation (16.11.2010 posthumously) sailor of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy.
         Aldar was born August 4, 1991 in the village Aginskoye Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug.                        In November 2009, he entered the military service, was defined in the military unit number 40074 Pacific Fleet, the city of Primorsky Krai Fokino. Six months later, the service planned to stay to serve under contract. Prevent the cost of his life a major accident at a military ship, saved from possible destruction of the ship itself and the crew of 348 people.                                                   The morning of September 24, when the crew of the destroyer "Quick" was on board and prepared for combat campaign of Fokino in Kamchatka, in the engine compartment of the ship fire broke out because of the circuit wiring at the time of breaking the fuel pipeline. Aldar, went on duty as a boiler operator team immediately rushed to cover the fuel leak. Approximately nine seconds later he was in the center of the fire. After the elimination of leaks, he was able to get out of the compartment in flames, received severe burns. Operational activities Aldara and his colleagues led to the timely shut down the ship's power plant, which otherwise could explode and cause damage to a powerful destroyer, which was about 300 people.                                                                                                                          Aldar in serious condition was taken to the Hospital of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok. Doctors fought for four days of his life, but on September 28 he was gone. Aldar was to serve less than a month.
  • Tsybikova Alla Oydopovna (1951-1998) - Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. She is buryat artist, Honored Artist of Buryatia (1985). It combines the creativity techniques of European painting techniques with national Buryat, Buddhist motifs, as well as theatrical and decorative elements. He worked in easel painting, the field of monumental and decorative art.
         Albina Tsybikova was born in 1951 in the village Aginskoe. I prefer to be called Alla, because they do not love their "passport name".                                                        The first solo exhibition of the artist was held in 1989 in the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. VP Sukachev. In 1994, 1996 the exhibition Alla Tsybikova held in the United States. The first exhibition of the artist in Ulan-Ude, took place in 1996. Also he participated in many republican, all-Union and All-Russia exhibitions.                     In different years Alla Tsybikova creates landscapes that reflect the actual Trans-Baikal landscapes - "Autumn Fields" (1989), "Autumn Evening" (1992), portraits - "Large Still Life" (1984), "The Kid" (1986) - a portrait of his son Sasha, "The boy with the fish" (1990), "Zorik Dice" (1989). The artist herself is considered one of the most powerful works of portrait of the son of his girlfriend, "Boy on a bearskin" (1992).                                                                                                                                  In the works of Alla Tsybikova, including portraits, large semantic significance landscaped background, interior, and placed in the space of the picture objects (figurines, ancient icon painting scrolls and t.), Often appear bouquets of flowers, great attention is paid staffage in landscapes.                                                                                                                                            In the paintings of Alla Tsybikova can simultaneously present symbols of European and Oriental cultures - in the triptych "The source" is a girl with a lily, Charon, ferryman, a woman in a pose of Mary Magdalene and the Buddhist three monkeys, hands covering the ears, eyes and mouth. Buddhist motifs in the form of objects - masks, statuettes, vessels, scrolls, shells are present in many works.                                                                                                                        Notable works: Goudzhekit (April 2, 1978), Portrait with feather magpie (1981), On the ground Geser (1982), Guest Late (1982), At the source (triptych) (1982), Autumn wind (diptych) (1983), Sun Mountain (triptych) - Evening of a long day, Sarah Time, Hoopoe, (1984), Self-portrait with the model in the winter window (1984), Voice shell (1986) and other.
  • Timur Gongorovich Tuchinov (born October 26, 1987.) - Russian archer - Paralympic, two-time Paralympic champion 2012: in individual and team competition in archery.
    Multiple champion of Russia, Europe and the world. Honored Master of Sports of Russia in archery (2012).

Sights of the village Aginskoe

1. Monument Gombozhab Tsybikov  

The Aga name Tsybikov National Museum, a monument Gombozhab Tsybikov - educator, traveler and explorer of Central Asia and Tibet. On a high pedestal of stone, symbolizing the mountain - a huge granite boulder with a bronze bas-relief Tsybikov. On the stone knocked route scientist through Kyakhta, Urga, Gobi, Lavran, Gumbum to Lhasa and a caravan of camels. In a free-standing marble slab with an ornament - a bas-relief portrait and the inscription: "Gombozhab Tsybikov (1873-1930), Russian traveler, explorer of Tibet." The monument was erected in 1973 to mark the centenary of the birth of the scientist. Granite blocks, similar to the one on which the pass in the Himalayas Naychzhi-La after losing hope to stay alive, he left an inscription, a reminder of "25/06/1900. Russian citizen G. Ts ", found on a mountain in the vicinity of Chita. Marble slabs brought from Sayanogorsk. Author bas unknown.

2. Tank T-34 

For the public garden of the school number 2 at the intersection with the street that bears the name of Tsybikova, set T-34 tank. On the pedestal the inscription: "selfless deed agintsev in the rear and at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War." Tank column "Aginskiy farmer", built at the expense of workers' district, as part of the 64th Guards Tank Brigade fought heroically in battles in Prokhorovka in July 1943.Just behind the tank County Courthouse. Across the street (Bolshaya Rinchino, 75.) - The building of the printing house, which houses the editorial offices of newspapers "Aga truth" and "Tolon".

3. Aginskiy datsan "Dechen Lhundubling" ("abode of spontaneous realization of great bliss" bur Agyn Khiid.) - a Buddhist monastery complex (datsan), is the largest Buddhist community in the Trans-Baikal Territory.
Located in Amithasha village, 6 km south-west of the central part of the village Aginskoe. It refers to the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia.

4. St. Nicholas Church
The church with a bell tower was built on the initiative of P.A. Badmaeva, organized the delegation with a petition to the Emperor
about securing land for the construction of an Orthodox church. With the petition has been delegated MA Zubov and baptized Buryats of Tsugola, whose name was not found. In the capital, with the help of Peter Badmaeva and Count Yusupov representatives Aga were taken by Nicholas II. From Emperor was received blessing and allocated 10 thousand rubles. The temple was founded in 1897, construction was completed in 1903, two years later the church was consecrated. parochial school was opened at the church.
   St. Nicholas Church stood safely until 1930. At the beginning of 1930 the church was closed, were removed all icons and utensils, and the priests sent into exile in the Krasnoyarsk region. Crosses and domes were dropped, bells removed and taken away. Deserted Temple remained so until 1936. In October 1937, the decision of the CEC of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR temple building was given to the department of culture. That same year, the bell tower was destroyed and dismantled the main dome. The building was constructed wooden stage, and open theater "Aga", later renamed "October". Movies are shown until 1984. After the construction of the new theater building of the St. Nicholas Church was transferred from one organization to another. Moreover, each institution rebuilds the interior again. June 26, 1991 decision of the District Council of People's Deputies of the building of St. Nicholas Church transferred the Orthodox community formed the year before. After a renovation in November of the same year, it began service again. Today it is completely restored bell tower, there is a mounting columns and restoration of the main dome 29 meters in height.

5. Monument Babzha-Baras-Baatar
     Babzha-Baras-Baatar - legendary Buryat-Mongolian Taishi (Prince). He fought against the Manchu aggression in the XVII century.
     Many myths and legends associated with the name of the legendary Buryat-Mongol Taishi (Prince) Babzha Baras Bator. There are some traditions that characterize the origin of names in the mountains Age (Trans-Baikal region) and in the area of the Republic of Buryatia Mukhorshibirsky: Baatar Hada  and Baataray Hada (mountain warrior-heroes and the mountain). The name Mount Bator, located on the left bank of the Onon river, near to. Budalan, according to legend, is also named after a hero of the Buryat.
    Once Babzha Baras Bator with his brother Hondoli drove a herd of Manchuria. They have forwarded a herd through the Onon River. On the hill in the countryside Budalan stabbed one mare and started to fry the meat on skewers. At this time arrived, the pursuit of Manchuria led by their soldiers. They stopped on the south bank of the Onon and saw brothers who sat and ate meat. Manchurian soldiers asked the brothers to smoke, since they all went in the way tobacco. Babzha Baras Bator tied the pouch to your arm and let go of the string. The arrow flew through the Onon and fell near the Manchus. The Manchus lit and thanked the brothers. After that, they suit Babzha Baras Bator pouch strapped to the arm, and shot one of the Manchus. Arrow, before reaching the other side, fell into the river. Babzha Baras Bator and Hondoli Manchu laughed and said, "Your arrows  for children, and you can fight only with children, but not with Bator, as we."
Frightened Manchus turned their horses back and went home with nothing. Since then, the mountain on which the brothers were Bator, has been named in their honor Bator. This mountain is on the left bank of the Onon and is the highest in those places. Mountain, which is located on the right bank of the river, called Eheree (Rus. Turn back, return).
6. Sculpture "Budamshu" - the image of the Buryat folk character to the goat - installed in 2008 in front of a live cultural center "Amar Sain" in the village Aginskoe Zabaikalsky Krai. Sculptor - People's Artist of Buryatia Gennady Vasilyev.
7. Sculpture "Balzhin-hatan" ("Princess of Glory")
    The leader Aginski Buryats great Khorinsky Princess Balzhin-Hatan strong warrior spirit, protector of his people. In the history of the Buryat Horinsk Balzhin Hatan is a unique individual, whose merit lies in the consolidation of the Buryat tribes under a single start and instilling elements of statehood.
    Sculpture installed at the entrance to the village Aginskoe Zabaikalsky Krai.

The history of  Aginskoe
   Aginskoe (Aga bur.) - Settlement of city type of the Agin-Buryat Okrug in Russia Trans-Baikal Territory. Located 153 km south-east of the regional center, the city of Chita, in the federal highway A350, on the left bank of the Aga River (left tributary of the Onon). The nearest train station - 36 km to the north-east in the urban village Mogoitui.
    Population - 17,708 people.
   Locality originated in 1811, and the first mention of the village is related to the time when the representatives of eight genera Khori-Buryats of the Baikal region in the XVII century separated and moved to Agin steppe in river valleys Ingoda, Aga and Onon. Gradually, most of them focused on the Aga River, rich in pasture. With the creation of the new administrative-territorial structure tayshetstva it was necessary to find a permanent seat of the Office of the Chief Taishi. The most suitable place turned out to be occupied now Aginsky village. There were some tents: for the main taisha, offices, clerk, clerk, coachmen. Then put yurts, each clan - his own, and formed Haughton - Yurt settlement.
  An event of great importance was the construction and commissioning in 1897-1901 years Manchurian branch of Trans-Siberian Railway (south course ZabZhD), which took place on the territory of the steppe Agi 37 km east of Aginski. Active participation in the construction and took locals.
   Steppe Duma lasted until 1903. Instead, her two parish were created - Aga and Tsugolsky. Tribal councils were called Buluk, tribal elders - Goolwa. Aginskoe turned into a big village.
   In Soviet times Aginskoe continued to expand. In 1921, a hospital with 10 beds was opened. In 1927, country club with a library was built (now the House of children's creativity). Two years later, in the homes appeared the radio. In 1930, the first issue of the newspaper aimak "Hamtyn azhalsha". Top students (in a two-storey wooden building) took Aginskiy Pedagogical College. In 1936 put into operation a steam mill across the river Aga. Two years later, a brick building built under power.
   During the Great Patriotic War Aginskoe turned into a headquarters for the relief front, to organize the sending of men, horses, warm clothing.
  Since 1965 began a new stage in the development of the village. We build houses, shops, kindergartens. Were put into operation Creamery, substation, forestry, industrial combine, procurement agency with sausage shop. In the center of the village appeared the House of Culture, 16-apartment buildings, public services complex, stadium, state bank, the new housing district hospital. In the western part - apartment buildings, bus station, petrol station, building vocational school. Broken Central Park garden, the village began planting.
  Today Aginskoye - modern well-maintained village, the administrative center of Agin-Buryat district. Here are concentrated the executive, legislative, judicial district authorities, departments of federal structures. The village is not a multi-storey, with entire neighborhoods of one-storey wooden houses. In recent years, there are many beautiful administrative buildings, sport House, Internet center, hotels and restaurants.
   It changed not only the center but also outskirts. A monument to the legendary Babzha-Baras-Baatar, pedestrian wooden bridge over the river Aga, the arch at the entrance, small architectural forms in the national style. Restored in the same architectural style St. Nicholas Orthodox church and a complex of Aginski datsan.

   The first feature short film in the village Aginskoye - "Losar". year 2014. Chita region, Aginskiy Buryat Okrug, city district village "Aginskoye". Young photographer comes in winter village with his first task - to make an overview of contemporary life Agin Buryat, in the light of the coming of the Buddhist New Year "Sagaalgan" also known as "Losar". Director: Dabaev Daba. Creative producer: Andrey Goryunov. Operators: Dabaev Daba, Bazarov Bulat. Sound Engineer: Dorzhiev Erdem.

    In this post I will tell you a little about my native land. Aginskiy district of Zabaikalsky Krai - this is the place where I was born and raised.
History Aginski District.  
     Aginskiy district of (drill Agyn aimag.) - Administrative and territorial unit (district) and municipal (municipal district) composed of Agin-Buryat district of the Trans-Baikal Krai of the Russian Federation.
    The administrative center - an urban village Aginskoye.
    In 1648, Agin Buryat adopted Russian citizenship. After this, the Russian colonization of the area, mainly the Trans-Baikal Cossacks.
  April 27, 1921 as part of the DDA established Buryat-Mongolian autonomous region with the center in Chita, which included 4 aimag: Aginskiy, Barguzin, Khorinsky and Chikoysky.
    May 30, 1923 the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR BM) was formed, uniting Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Okrug and the Mongol-Buryat Autonomous Okrug, centered in Verkhneudinsk. From 1930 to 1936 BM ASSR was part of the East Siberian region.
    December 5, 1936 after the separation of East-Siberian region Aginskiy aimag becomes part of BM ASSR (the capital - Ulan-Ude). September 26, 1937 the CEC of the USSR by a regulation included in the district of Aginskiy Aginski Buryat-Mongolian National District (1958 - Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug). On March 1, 2008 in the merger of the Chita Region and Aginski Buryat Autonomous Okrug  became district of the Zabaikalsky Krai.
   Geography: Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug was located in Eastern Siberia, in the south-east of the Trans-Baikal. Area  - 19,6 thousand square meters.. The territory of the okrug is located within the low-middle mountainous relief, the rivers Onon and Ingoda; the highest point in the territory, which had been held Autonomous Okrug is Alkhanay mountain (1663 m).
    At present the population of 17253 people.
With the 2014 Aginskiy district 22 settlements consisting of two urban and eleven rural settlements:

Urban and rural settlement
Administrative center
Number of settlements
Urban settlement «Novoorlovsk»
Urban settlement «Orlovsky»
Rural settlement «Amithasha»
Village Amithasha
Rural settlement «Budulan»
Village Budulan
Rural settlement «Guney»
Village Guney
Rural settlement «Kunkur»
Village Kunkur
Rural settlement «Sakhyurta»
Village Sakhyurta
Rural settlement «Suduntuy»
Village Suduntuy
Rural settlement «Urda-Aga»
Village Urda-Aga
Rural settlement «Hoyto-Aga»
Village Hoyto-Aga
Rural settlement «Tsokto-Hangil»
Village Tsokto-Hangil
Rural settlement «Chelutay»
Village Chelutay
Rural settlement «South Аrgala»
Village South Argala

среда, 16 ноября 2016 г.

Instruction "How to get to the audience from stop Campus".
1)Come to the traffic lights and push the button;
2) Wait for the green light and cross the road;
3)Without turning to go forward, go to the territory of the institute;
4) Cross the square and go to the institute building;
5) Get the guard, to show the document and  go to the left until the end of the corridor;
6)Go down the stairs, go to the first door to the right audience.

воскресенье, 6 ноября 2016 г.

      How  many can remember always I wanted to open his own business. I think it's quite possible to be some nice little cafes. The café people will be able to come to escape from the hustle and bustle, spend time in a relaxed atmosphere. So I present to you a business plan coffee shop "Comfort".

суббота, 5 ноября 2016 г.

      In the first days of November was held in Krasnoyarsk "Night of the Arts", where the doors are wide open to anyone who wants to visit it. And this event does not leave me in the side.
  I visited the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. Surikov, where "Night of Art" was devoted to the work of the famous artist Andrei Pozdeyeva. He wrote: "Fine art is not a profession. It is life. The reflection of my self." His paintings are multi-faceted and full of vitality. Particular attention is paid to the human way of the artist. He painted what is around him, portrayed landscapes.
The exhibition could not only admire the paintings, but the museum and play bingo or his companion to try to draw a portrait of each other. Also, visitors can learn more about the life Pozdeyeva, watching a documentary about him. In addition to the memory you could buy souvenirs, for example, a mug, T-shirt or some other icon.

        The other day I visited the Krasnoyarsk Book Fair, I had not paid much attention to this event. However, I got a lot of impressions of what was presented and how it's nice thought, from the atmosphere that was there.
        At the fair were presented various genres of literature, not only Russian but also foreign. Moreover fair program is designed both for an adult audience, and in the nursery. There were a lot of literature, aimed at the development of children. Also took classes for children in the form of informative and entertaining games. 
        In addition to the books there were various national souvenirs, amulets, jewelery and paintings. And most of all I got interested in the little book that is literally fit in the palm. I think this is a very original and cool. 
        In general, the campaign for the fair to say that I did not regret it, and made to a conclusion that it is  to attend such events more often.