суббота, 5 ноября 2016 г.

        The other day I visited the Krasnoyarsk Book Fair, I had not paid much attention to this event. However, I got a lot of impressions of what was presented and how it's nice thought, from the atmosphere that was there.
        At the fair were presented various genres of literature, not only Russian but also foreign. Moreover fair program is designed both for an adult audience, and in the nursery. There were a lot of literature, aimed at the development of children. Also took classes for children in the form of informative and entertaining games. 
        In addition to the books there were various national souvenirs, amulets, jewelery and paintings. And most of all I got interested in the little book that is literally fit in the palm. I think this is a very original and cool. 
        In general, the campaign for the fair to say that I did not regret it, and made to a conclusion that it is  to attend such events more often.


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