Famous people of the Aginski District
- Linhovoin, Lhasaran Lodonovich (1924-1980) - an opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1959). Born on January 1, 1924 in the village of Aga Aimag Aga-Hangil Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the teacher's family. From 1942 to 1949 was an artist of the Buryat musical drama theater in Ulan-Ude. In 1958 he sang the role of Miller in the opera "Mermaid" by Dargomyzhsky at Big Theater. December 24, 1959 (after a decade of Buryat art in Moscow) was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In the Buryat Opera and Ballet Theater Lhasaran Linhovoin he performed more than thirty operatic roles. Lhasaran Lodonovich played games: Susanin ("Ivan Susanin" by Glinka), Grameen, Boris Godunov, Kochubei Konchak ("Prince Igor" by Alexander Borodin), Mephistopheles ("Faust" by Gounod), Montanelli ( "The Gadfly" AE Spadavekkia), Sokolov ("Fate of a man" Ivan Dzerzhinsky), boom Khan ("Enkhe Bulat-Bator" MP Frolov); Basil ("Tsyrempil Ranzhur" BB Yampilova) Shono ("terrible years" BB Yampilova), Bulgan Thabit ("twinned" DD Ayusheeva) Lama ("Budamshu" BB Yampilova) Han ("Bair" P. Berlin) and others. He is also the author of books such as "In Africa" (1961) and "On by country song" (1970)
- Purbuev, Dashidondok Tsydenovich (1931-2014) - senior shepherd Lenin collective farm Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug, Hero of Socialist Labor (1990). Born in the village surroundings Kunkur of Aga aimag Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the East Siberian region into a peasant family. Since 1948, he worked at the accounting clerk ovtsetovarnoy farm. In 1951-1954 he served in Vladivostok and Sakhalin. Since 1955 he worked as a veterinary medical assistant, and from 1965 until retirement he worked as a shepherd. His farm kept flocks of up to 700 sheep, wool clip from one sheep was 4.4-4.7 kg. In 1971 Dashidondok Purbuev was awarded the Order of Lenin. Also Purbuev Dashidondok Tsydenovich awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of Lenin and the gold medal "Hammer and Sickle" by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from March 2, 1990.
- Rabdanov, Buda Rabdanovich (1853-1923) - Buryat educator, Russian journalist, ethnographer and orientalist, diplomat.
The representative of the nobility (taiji), Buda Rabdanov graduated from the parish school of Aga, Nerchinsk district school and three classes of grammar schools in Chita. He knew several languages: English, Buryat, Mongolian, Russian, taught himself Chinese and Tibetan. Repeatedly he traveled to Mongolia and China, visited the largest Buddhist centers. In the autumn of 1892 as a translator without any remuneration he joined the expedition G.N. Potanin in Central Asia (1892-1893) to become better acquainted with the East. In 1895-1896 in Chita Rabdanov Buda became the editor of the text published by the Mongolian P. A. Badmaev newspaper "Life on the eastern outskirts". This newspaper was the first Buryat periodic edition of Transbaikalia. Since 1905 in Chita organized the edition of the newspaper "Free press." After 1917, he called for co-operation with the Soviet authorities, engaged in collecting antiques and research Buryat folklore. Diaries left B. Rabdanov - valuable historical and ethnographic sources, describing the life and culture of the Tibetan and Chinese people of Eastern Tibet. Personal archive destroyed in 1923. - Tumunov, Zhamso Tumunovich (1916-1955) - the Buryat Soviet writer, playwright. He wrote poetry and prose in the Buryat language. From 1927 to 1934 he studied in Taptanay at the school of peasant youth. In 1937 he enrolled at the Ulan-Ude communist agricultural school, after which he worked as an editor in the Buryat State publishing house. The author of the play "Sesegma" for the Suppression of Buryat women for social rights. In 1937 the play was staged Buryat-Mongolian Drama Theatre. In 1930 he wrote the play "Hile deere", "Shoola", "Shiidhegdeһen asuudal", "Martagdashagүy үdernүүd", "Bata khoyor Baras", "Basagan-tractor driver". In 1949 in Ulan-Ude published novel "Steppe awoke" by Tumutov, dedicated to the events of the Civil War in the Trans-Baikal region. The work was the first novel in the Buryat literature and has been translated into Russian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, German, Mongolian and other languages. His writings: Suhe Bator: Poem 1950, Unforgettable days (1952), Golden rain: Roman, 1958, From the works of the war years (1960), Steppe woke up (1972), Morning on Lake Baikal: Poems (1949).
- Tsydenzhapov, Aldar Batorovich (1991-2010) - Hero of the Russian Federation (16.11.2010 posthumously) sailor of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy. Aldar was born August 4, 1991 in the village Aginskoye Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug. In November 2009, he entered the military service, was defined in the military unit number 40074 Pacific Fleet, the city of Primorsky Krai Fokino. Six months later, the service planned to stay to serve under contract. Prevent the cost of his life a major accident at a military ship, saved from possible destruction of the ship itself and the crew of 348 people. The morning of September 24, when the crew of the destroyer "Quick" was on board and prepared for combat campaign of Fokino in Kamchatka, in the engine compartment of the ship fire broke out because of the circuit wiring at the time of breaking the fuel pipeline. Aldar, went on duty as a boiler operator team immediately rushed to cover the fuel leak. Approximately nine seconds later he was in the center of the fire. After the elimination of leaks, he was able to get out of the compartment in flames, received severe burns. Operational activities Aldara and his colleagues led to the timely shut down the ship's power plant, which otherwise could explode and cause damage to a powerful destroyer, which was about 300 people. Aldar in serious condition was taken to the Hospital of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok. Doctors fought for four days of his life, but on September 28 he was gone. Aldar was to serve less than a month.
- Tsybikova Alla Oydopovna (1951-1998) - Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. She is buryat artist, Honored Artist of Buryatia (1985). It combines the creativity techniques of European painting techniques with national Buryat, Buddhist motifs, as well as theatrical and decorative elements. He worked in easel painting, the field of monumental and decorative art. Albina Tsybikova was born in 1951 in the village Aginskoe. I prefer to be called Alla, because they do not love their "passport name". The first solo exhibition of the artist was held in 1989 in the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. VP Sukachev. In 1994, 1996 the exhibition Alla Tsybikova held in the United States. The first exhibition of the artist in Ulan-Ude, took place in 1996. Also he participated in many republican, all-Union and All-Russia exhibitions. In different years Alla Tsybikova creates landscapes that reflect the actual Trans-Baikal landscapes - "Autumn Fields" (1989), "Autumn Evening" (1992), portraits - "Large Still Life" (1984), "The Kid" (1986) - a portrait of his son Sasha, "The boy with the fish" (1990), "Zorik Dice" (1989). The artist herself is considered one of the most powerful works of portrait of the son of his girlfriend, "Boy on a bearskin" (1992). In the works of Alla Tsybikova, including portraits, large semantic significance landscaped background, interior, and placed in the space of the picture objects (figurines, ancient icon painting scrolls and t.), Often appear bouquets of flowers, great attention is paid staffage in landscapes. In the paintings of Alla Tsybikova can simultaneously present symbols of European and Oriental cultures - in the triptych "The source" is a girl with a lily, Charon, ferryman, a woman in a pose of Mary Magdalene and the Buddhist three monkeys, hands covering the ears, eyes and mouth. Buddhist motifs in the form of objects - masks, statuettes, vessels, scrolls, shells are present in many works. Notable works: Goudzhekit (April 2, 1978), Portrait with feather magpie (1981), On the ground Geser (1982), Guest Late (1982), At the source (triptych) (1982), Autumn wind (diptych) (1983), Sun Mountain (triptych) - Evening of a long day, Sarah Time, Hoopoe, (1984), Self-portrait with the model in the winter window (1984), Voice shell (1986) and other.
- Timur Gongorovich Tuchinov (born October 26, 1987.) - Russian archer - Paralympic, two-time Paralympic champion 2012: in individual and team competition in archery. Multiple champion of Russia, Europe and the world. Honored Master of Sports of Russia in archery (2012).